16 months (and looking back)

0 Months

-Arrived on Sunday, May 22nd at 7:55A.M. weighing 8lbs, 6oz and measuring 21 inches

-Bris on May 30, 2011, followed by his first trip to the lake house

-Moved into our new home on June 21, 2011






1 month

-Began babbling a lot

-First visit to Wrigley

-First “real” smile (6 weeks)

-Found his fingers (7 weeks)








2 months

-Check-up: height (25 inches); head circumference (16.5); weight (13lbs 11oz), miserable from his shots

-First swim in Lake Elizabeth

-Found his thumb (10 weeks)

-Visited Camp Marimeta

-Began reaching for things (11 weeks)








3 months

-Mommy returns to work

-Joey’s cousin, Jordan, is born!

-Zeyde babysits Joey (all by himself) for 1.5 hours

-Still hates tummy time

-Loves giggling!

-Rolls from his tummy to his back (14 weeks)

-Loves standing up (with support)

-Knows/responds to his name (15 weeks)

-Began sleeping through the night








4 months

– Checkup: weight (17lbs 6oz); length (27.5 inches), didn’t cry from shots!

-Eyes are still blue

-Finds his toes

-Began sleeping on his stomach

-First airplane ride/visit to Grandma & Grandpa

-Began sitting independently (4.5 months)







5 months

-First bites of food

-Begins cracking up

-Loves looking at himself in the mirror

-Favorite toy: iPhone

-Stopped sleeping through the night 🙁






6 months

-Checkup:  Weight (20lbs 5oz); Height (28.5 inches); Head Circumference (18 inches)

-Loves Mac ‘n Cheese and cereal puffs

-Joey’s best friend, Lucy, is born!

-Loves sticking out his tongue for photos

-2nd tooth arrives!

-Celebrated Joey’s Pidyon Haben at Nonny and Poppy’s








7 months

-Pulls himself to a stand

-Began crawling (7.5 months)

-Used his passport for the first time (Puerto Rico & a cruise)

-Loved time in the pool and chowing down on bread rolls each night at dinner!

-Visits his first beach (and hated it)

-Celebrated our first New Years Eve!








8 months

-Standing without support

-Says “da-da”

-Climbs up the stairs

-Takes his first few steps with a walker

-LOVES sushi (tamago)

-Favorite Music Video: Will I Am

-Visit Arizona for the 2nd time

-Began waving “bye-bye”








9 months

-Checkup: Height (29 inches); Weight (23lbs 2oz); Head: (18.5)

-Says his first meaningful word “ball”

-Loves eating dog food

-Learns he has a new cousin arriving in November!

-Teeth 3, 4 & 5 make their appearance

-Attended his first Blackhawks game (and loved the nachos)

-Loved deli turkey








10 months

-Find out Joey’s going to have a brother/sister

-7th tooth arrives!

-Begins walking

-Loves giving “high fives”

-Loves guacamole

-Spends a lot of time doing “downward dog”








11 months

-Favorite food: strawberries and bottle

-Love playing with blocks, especially knocking town towers we build

-Biting Mommy way too often

-Obsessed with Elmo

-Mom and Dad head to Hawaii for 10 days (and Joey gets his 1st high fever/flu and takes Bubbie down with him)

-Pippin is relocated to Highland Park

-Gets his 1st double ear infection






12 months

-Checkup: Weight (24lbs 11oz);  Height (30 5/8 inches); Head Circumference (19 inches)

-Celebrated 1st birthday at Wrigley

-Had a family celebration in the park on actual birthday (you ate 1/4 of the entire cake)

-Still obsessed with Elmo

-Unhappily gave up his bottle

-Dropped his morning nap

-Words: Mama, Dada, more, banana, Elmo, and his favorite, “no!”






13 months

-Found out that h’s going to have a baby brother!

-Attends his first day of camp

-Still obsessed with Elmo

-Spent most of his mornings in the EBC pool






14 months

-Began coloring with crayons

-LOVES shooting hoops

-Climbs on EVERYTHING!

-Finally attended his first Cubs game

-Can identify 5-10 body parts

-Loves cookies (or anything you call a “cookie”)

-Found out that he’s going to have another cousin!








15 months

-Checkup (15.5 months): Height (32 inches);  Weight (24 lbs); Head Circumference (20 inches); doctor put him on a high-fat diet

-Began nursery school

-Gives hugs and kisses (when asked)

-Favorite activity: Throwing balls around (especially spiking a football)

-Favorite book: Knuffle Bunny

-Says 15 words (or so) words: Banana/Nonny, no, no more, bowl, baby, bye-bye, ball, football, pacman, bubbie, elmo, mommy, daddy, milk, double dunk

-Found out the hard way about his penicillin allergy

-Loves matzoh ball soup!








16 months

We’ll have to wait and see….

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1 Response to 16 months (and looking back)

  1. Stacy says:

    Love this!!! Well done. Can’t wait for his next sixteen!!

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