MS Outing

We participated in another great MS Outing this year.  This year was a special year, as Grandpa Morrie was honored for his contributions to the organization over the past decade or so.

Bloody Mary time!









Bloody Mary Crew!






Family Shot







We’re so proud of you, Grandpa Morrie!

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July 4th!

We began the holiday weekend on Thursday with a picnic in Deerfield.  Benji was introduced to Italian Beef and loved it!

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The kids were up early Friday morning ready to play!







First boat ride of the weekend…

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The table is getting too small for our crowd….

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Joey was old enough to understand that the 4th of July is really just one huge birthday party.  We showed him a video from last year’s parade which made him psyched for this one!







Warming up with a few M&Ms from Zeyde







Waving his flag with pride!









To our surprise, Benji ended up being the most excited about the parade.

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Yoga babies

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It only took 4 hours and 8 people to assemble this seesaw!

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The Fabulous Foursome

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Posted in Benji, Holidays, Joey, Lakehouse, The Silvermans | 1 Comment

Reading with Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa passed through Chicago on their way overseas!  Joey suckered Grandpa into reading one of his VERY long Curious George stories!

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June Fun

We’ve spent our weekends at the lake and our weekdays outside (as much as possible!)









Our cousins came to visit and brought their “race car” up for the boys to play with















Quiet time with Zeyde








Michele and I had the genius idea of taking the train up to Highland Park with the boys one day.  Fortunately, we found some nice guys to help schlep our gear on and off the train while we wrangled the boys….












Joey’s becoming more adventurous again….








Enjoying camp!









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Billy Goat picnic at the Burnett’s

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Mmmm, mmmm good!

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Water boys












Billy is one of Joey’s favorite people…

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Being silly with Zeyde…








Uncle Alex babysitting






Enjoying the sand

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Rainbow train

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Posted in Benji, Camp, Joey, Lakehouse, Noah, The Burnetts | Leave a comment

Happy Birthday Bubbie and Aunt Michy!

We planned a yoga night for Bubbie’s birthday this year.  Her favorite yoga instructor does private lessons so we had her come to my mom’s party room for a girls-only (+ Ricky) class.

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Afterward, we headed to dinner at Le Colonial, a restaurant I had never been to but loved! We were all a bit underdressed in our yoga gear, but managed to pull it off well!

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Happy Father’s Day

The kids were both a snotty mess so we laid low for the day.  Greg slept in and we made him blueberry pancakes, eggs and turkey bacon for breakfast.  We had been in all weekend so we ventured out for dinner!

Benji’s appetite was unaffected by his cold!























When we got home and changed diapers for bed, we discovered that Zeyde had left them each a special treat in their pajamas!


Posted in Benji, Great Grandpa Silverman, Holidays, Joey | Leave a comment

Group Birthday Celebration

We celebrated Joey, Greg, Lisa, Nanny and Naiya’s birthday this weekend!

Before heading to Nanny and Poppy’s, we checked out the neighborhood Jewish fest…Joey and Benji loved the bouncy houses and petting zoo.  Benji was by far the youngest “kid” running through the obstacle course and on the slide but he did a great job keeping up!







Petting Zoo













We got to Nanny and Poppy’s and put the kids right down for nap.  Instead of relaxing, I decided our car needed to be cleaned out!  Fortunately, Ellis and Naiya were such great helpers.  Greg enjoyed supervising….







When the kids woke up, they were happy to see that Poppy had set up a bouncy house in the backyard.  Despite bouncing the morning away, they happily bounced for another hour.












Birthday dinner with the May/June birthdays!


Time for presents!












Joey “hanging” with Cousin Ellis (watching him as he played a video game)


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We’ve been able to spend so much time with the cousins lately.  It makes such a difference when the weather is nice and everyone is healthy!


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Breanna, Michy, Noah, Benji & Joey checking out the new neighborhood pizza place!

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1:1 outing with Aunt Michy
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Lunch an Neimans!

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Bird watching…

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Posted in Benji, Joey, Noah, Sophie | Leave a comment

Memorial Day Weekend

Yes!! It’s finally lake house season 🙂  I headed up late afternoon and Greg took the train after work….

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Checking out the boats with Daddy!







Playing on the swingset







Hanging with Hilly








Such buddies

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First cruise of the 2014 season!







Joey couldn’t wait to captain the “ship”


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Joey Suckered Zeyde into watching the hockey game instead of sleeping

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Shabbos birthday celebration



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May Visit with Grandpa and Grandma

Off to Baccanalia‘s we went!

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Grandpa and Greg (with some assistance from the boys) got the mirror hung in our living room!

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Posted in Benji, Joey, The Goodmans | Leave a comment

Visiting the Firehouse!

Breanna arranged for a private tour of one of the city’s firehouses this week with a firefighter friend of hers.

The boys had such a blast!  Joey tried on all of the gear and climbed in and out of the truck.  Benji was content hanging in the truck!

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Joey’s really into being a fireman now….He insists of wearing his fireman rain boots everywhere!

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Ready for some Baseball!

The boys had fun hitting and fielding for one another….

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Enough baseball…Time for the park!
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Splash Splash!

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Lining up all of his workmen

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Learning how things grow with Breanna

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Joey’s 3rd Birthday

We spent the morning celebrating with his classmates at school…







But all Joey really wanted for his birthday was to race in the “Piston Cup”.  We were able to recreate it for him in our front yard, with enough family members to race alongside him!

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Thanks for the awesome new wheels, Bubbie & Zeyde!





















Thanks for coming to celebrate, Bohrers!

















Being silly with Nanny, Poppy and Deb!










All smiles!









Opening a few more presents….

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Posted in Benji, Birthday, Firsts, Joey, The Bohrers, The Silvermans, The Waxs, Uncle Dickie | Leave a comment

Last Day of Sinai

We can’t believe Joey completed his first year of pre school.  He did great!  I can’t believe he’ll be going 5 days week next year!

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Taking his big brother responsibilities seriously!

Enjoying the neighborhood!

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