Tracksuit Shabbos

Our babies are growing up!

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Posted in Benji, Joey, The Burnetts, The Goodmans, The Panozzos, The Silvermans | Leave a comment

Special Friends Day

Joey had a “Special Friends Day” at school today.  I had totally forgotten about the event and was only reminded at Drop Off.  Aunt Lori and Bubbie to the rescue!  They made picture frames, kiddush cups and had plenty of snacks!

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Making the best of this cold weather…

This has been one long winter.  Fortunately, the boys each have a constant playmate!







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Early morning Sesame Street

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Sensory play

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Happy hour!

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What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger?

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Holding Down the Fort

I was in Salt Lake City for business this week, visiting programs and schools.  Greg did a great job holding down the fort (with the help of Nanny/Poppy, Aunt Michy and Breanna).

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Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss

The boys had a great time celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday today!  They made an awesome Dr. Seuss hat and read a ton of Seuss books!

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Benji joined in too!

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West Loop Play Date

The Burnett’s had us over for dinner last week.  Noah’s playroom is near complete so we had to check out his new digs!

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Aunt Michy was excited to teach Joey to decorate a cake. She didn’t realize leaving him alone with it for just a moment was a mistake…

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Paying close attention

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Visiting Aunt Cari

The kids had the best time visiting Aunt Cari at the office a few weeks back.  Bubbie, Breanna, and Aunt Lori took the kids for lunch at Portillo’s before walking into the loop for a visit.

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Joey came home that day, asking if he could go to work with Daddy from now on.  He also learned a few legal terms, “objection your honor” and “guilty as charged”.  He’s still walking around saying them even now!

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Posted in Benji, Cari, Joey, Noah, Sophie, The Panozzos | Leave a comment

Sushi Night!

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Exploring the Shedd with Nanny





Joey has been asking to go to the “museum with the submarine” since Bubbie and Zeyde took him to the Children’s Museum a few weeks back.  Nanny braved the cold and off the the Shedd they went!

They had a blast!

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Time to eat!

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Birthday Celebrations!

We had a great weekend celebrating Noah’s 1st birthday!  The festivities kicked off with a Shabbat birthday celebration.

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Joey had fun “napping” with Zeyde

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The kids got way too must frosting on them so they ended up in the tub…

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and they weren’t thrilled about it.

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On Sunday, we had Brody’s 1st birthday in the morning.  Joey had a reunion with Sam, who he hadn’t seen in months!


The kids had a great time singing and dancing!




Joey’s now old enough to know that after “Happy Birthday” comes dessert.  He kept letting me know when he thought it was time to sing and was the first person to grab a cookie!


After a quick nap, we headed to Noah’s party.

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Benji’s 1st Haircut

We took Benji for his first haircut last week.  Kidsnips was running behind so the kids were able to watch a few others kids get tortured haircuts before it was their turn.

Joey was GREAT! He found a Thomas movie he’d never seen before and didn’t even realize what was going on.









Benji was good for the first few minutes and then got restless.  He was happy to pose for his photo, though!


Very proud of himself!

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Museum with Bubbie & Zeyde

Bubbie and Zeyde took the kids to check out the museum at Navy Pier.  They said Benji was pretty much in awe of everything and spent a lot of time observing.  Joey, on the other hand, had remembered where everything was from his previous visit (months ago) and had a blast!

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Such a big boy!

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Snowed In!

We’ve had lots of days trapped in the house lately because of the cold.  Fortunately, the kids are great at entertaining one another!

“Posing” for a photo!







Joey is finally getting over his “don’t take a picture of me” phase


Discussing cars







It’s a good thing he’s so tough!

I made rainbow rice one night after the kids went to bed…It’s been a hit (although I continuously find colored rice all over my kitchen and living room)


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Time to wrestle!

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Benji is loving the peg board lately (for reasons beyond just chewing on the pegs).  He’s so proud of himself when he’s able to do it all by himself!

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Showing some love!

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They’ve discovered a new activity these last few weeks…

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