Happy 1st Birthday, Sopharella!

Sophie’s 1st Birthday was rescheduled for last weekend.  Benji was still recovering from the stomach flu so he (and Greg) had to miss out on the phone but Joey had a blast!

Max and Joey playing







Zeyde rough-housing with Joey



Music time!









Sophie absolutely loves music, it was so fun to see!  Joey (and Benji) never loved class the way she does!


Mindy and her girls!






Instrument time!


Joey had a tough time sharing the taxi







Happy Birthday, Sophs!  We love you!

Posted in Joey, Sophie, The Panozzos | Leave a comment

Hanukah – Night 1

We went all-out for the first night of Hanukah. We had been talking about the holiday with the boys for weeks, and Joey had been learning about it in school. He was so excited and couldn’t wait for Greg to get home from work for the celebrations to begin!

While the latke’s and matzo ball soup cooled, we showed the kids how to spin the dreidel.  Joey’s kept ending up on the floor, which he thought was hilarious!


Latke time!







Enjoying some chocolate gelt for dessert 🙂


Joey trying to trading me a driedel for my Hanukah gelt.  He succeeded…


Grandma and Grandpa arrived from Arizona just in time to the light the candles and open presents!











Joey was VERY excited about his gift-his own camera!  He’s shown a great deal of interest in mine lately, so we figured it was time he had his own (before he broke mine!)


His first few photos!

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Benji got these blocks for the 1st night of Hanukah.  After 15 minutes, he had eaten (yes, eaten) 3 of them.  I guess we’ll have to put them away for a few months until he’s past the paper-eating phase…


Posted in Benji, Holidays, Joey, The Goodmans | 1 Comment

Stomach Flu :(

The stomach flu paid the entire Goodman family a visit this week…Benji certainly had it the worst!! Super B has finally met his match!

I took him to the doctor on Sunday just to have him checked out…The doctor made the mistake of putting a tongue depressor in his mouth…She definitely learned her lesson!

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Benji went home wrapped in towels 🙁

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He’s so weak that he cant even hold his own head up, and certainly can’t sit up on his own 🙁

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He’s still sleeping 22+ hours/day.  We’re all on a liquid-only diet (except Joey who managed to dodge the flu completely) but we’re feeling much better today!

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He’s managed to keep his eyes open for almost 10 minutes today…He even held down a soy formula bottle!  We’re hoping the worst of it is over and he’ll slowly gain his strength back over the next few days.

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We’re all so sick of being sick!

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Vinnie’s Birthday Shabbos

We celebrated Vinnie’s birthday Friday night!


Shabbat blessing


Mmmm, Aunt Lori’s challah!


Benji had a great time playing with Zeyde!




They ended up having a sleepover…Greg and I had NO idea that Bubbie had quite the night ahead of her!  Benji’s stomach flu began Friday night and Bubbie was up nearly all night with him 🙁

We let Joey go to a birthday party the next day, as we had no idea we were all about to be hit with the stomach flu!

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He had a great time!

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Posted in Benji, Joey, Shabbat, The Panozzos, The Silvermans | Leave a comment

Wrestle Mania!












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Posted in Benji, Joey | 1 Comment

Dinner with Hollie and Mike

Hollie and Mike came over for dinner tonight!  I think their ears are still ringing!!!  Joey invented a game that we played for at least 30 minutes…

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Joey visits the Circus!

Aunt Abby and Alex took Joey to the circus last week!  Surprisingly, Joey didn’t enjoy it as much as we thought he would.  He certainly was not a fan of the clowns!

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He did seem to enjoy the tigers!

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And ate enough junk food to hold him over for a few weeks…

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Finishing off the night with some ice cream!

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A big “thank you” to Abby and Alex for taking Joey to all of the places/events we’re happy to miss!!

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10.5 months!

New tricks: waving “hello” and “bye-bye” and blowing kisses!

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Joey’s 1st Haircut

Although I wasn’t ready, it was (past) time for Joey’s 1st haircut.  Two people told Joey how cute “she” was on Halloween…

Bubbie joined us for the big event while Greg stayed home with Benji…









Watching his curls go “bye bye” in the mirror


Oreo cookie distraction mid-way through!







Finished product


As I checked him out for the first time post-chop, he looked like such a big boy!  Joey saw my reaction and quickly said “Mommy, don’t cry!”

Checking out his new style









Post-haircut debrief

Posted in Firsts, Joey | 1 Comment

Shabbos in the City

Both kids were FINALLY healthy enough to make it to Shabbos.  We left Greg home so he could recover from a head cold (and not get the rest of us sick)!  The Panozzomans were stuck at home with the stomach flu 🙁

Aunt Michy got all of the boys adorable matching PJs.  They had a blast playing together!
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Posted in Abby, Benji, Joey, Noah, Shabbat, The Burnetts | Leave a comment

Hodge Podge of October Photos

I haven’t been great about posting lately…We’ve been busy with work, vacation and illness!  Here’s October in review!


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Sophie came for a play date!

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The Silverman’s were honored by the M.S. Society for their service and support.  Since my parents were out of the country and my grandpa was out of town, we all went to represent and accept the award on their behalf.  We are all very proud of their hard work and dedication to such an important organization!

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2013 Chairman Award

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Later that night, Benji and went to the Light the Night Walk in the suburbs…We managed to get through most of the walk without getting rained on!

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Lisa and Benji

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Bath time!

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Posted in Benji, Friends, Joey, Sophie, The Burnetts, The Panozzos, The Silvermans | 1 Comment

Halloween 2013

We had a pretty low-key Halloween this year.  Joey was still recovering from all of his ailments and we didn’t want him out in the cold and rainy weather!  Fortunately, he’s still young enough to not understand what he was missing!  I managed to find some costumes around the house for them to wear as they opened the door for trick-or-treaters!  Joey caught on to the “trick-or-treat?” statement and eventually began asking for a treat back!
















Our candy was cleaned out in less than 30 minutes!

Posted in Benji, Holidays, Joey | 1 Comment

Vacation with Nanny and Poppy

While we were in Vegas, Joey and Benji stayed with Nanny and Poppy.  They had an awesome time!

Exercising with Nanny

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Chef Poppy serving breakfast

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Poppy was really proud to share that Joey had chocolate milk for breakfast, lunch and dinner…thanks a lot!  Fortunately, there was no transition period when he returned!

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Checking out the Deerfield library and Park District

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Bouncing away!

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Oye vey!

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Shopping time!

Nanny and Poppy took Benji for a much needed 1st pair of shoes!

Cartoon time!
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Out for a walk with the neighbors!

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Driving Poppy’s car

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Thanks for such a great extended weekend, we appreciate it!!

Posted in Benji, Joey, The Waxs | Leave a comment

Vegas, Baby!

The trip we had been waiting for finally arrived!  We were off to Vegas to celebrate my 30th birthday (and to enjoy a few kid-free days)!  All of the “Silverman” kids were on board, except Abby, Cari & Alex, who had a wedding to attend 🙁  Saying goodbye to the boys was sad.  It was the first time Joey was old enough to realize we were leaving him for an extended period.  Joey actually cried a bit, but nothing a few M&Ms couldn’t take care of!  They were in good hands with Nanny and Poppy!

We got in late Thursday night, grabbed a snack and went to bed.  We enjoyed a sleep in on Friday morning and met for brunch.  Here are the girls at the Belaggio…







All dressed up for our first night on the town!







The boys must have done well at the casino…Here we are on the way to dinner in a stretch limo!













The setting of dinner was one of the prettiest I had ever seen.

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It was all downhill from there…The service at Bartolotta Ristorante was mediocre, as was the food!  We managed to still enjoy ourselves, though.







For brunch the next morning, we headed to the Palms.  Brunch was awesome and I think we ordered just about everything on the menu!









Facetiming with the kids!

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The next night, we had a more casual dinner at a burger restaurant at the Cosmopolitan before heading to a show.  We got in a bit of shopping and a drink too!







Off to Michael Jackson!  The show was cool, but we were exhausted.  About 1/2 of us fell asleep during it.  We just can’t hang like we used to!









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We spent our last day in Vegas relaxing, just laying by the pool and even enjoying a massage at the spa!

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On our last night in Vegas, we headed to Craft Steak at the MGM.  Everyone was really happy with their meals, although our waiter told us Tom Colicchio may be stopping by and never did.

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We managed to celebrate my birthday once again!

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View from our room 🙂

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On the gambling front, I had terrible luck…Fortunately, my husband made up for it and “Team Goodman” left Vegas ahead!

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Posted in Adults only!, The Burnetts, The Panozzos, Uncle Dickie, Vacation | Leave a comment

Race Track

Benji was able to sneak a few minutes in with Joey’s race track while Joey napped yesterday!

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