No words…

I wish I had a video camera following me this afternoon.  I’ll never be able to fully explain what happened, but I’m gonna try!

The day started off great!  Jessie, Hollie and I visited Sarah and topped off our trip up north with lunch at Michael’s.  Bubbie called as we were leaving to tell me she had picked me up a cute pair of shoes so I met her in the Sak’s lot to make the exchange.  By this time, the rain had picked up from a drizzle to a “light rain”.  While I was trying on the shoes (in the car), Joey managed to crawl halfway out of his seat to try and get to Bubbie.  I turned off the car in the middle of the lot to put him back in his chair.  We said our goodbyes but quickly figured out that I couldn’t find my keys.  50 minutes later (and after a call t0 Lexus and my husband), I finally found the keys in a bag of clothing.  Needless to say, I was soaking wet.  By this time, Bubbie had taken Joey in to Sak’s to keep him dry.

I met them upstairs in the club and found Joey running around barefoot eating cookies while the seamstress was fitting Bubbie.  I tried to do a diaper change and get him out of his wet clothes, but he managed to sneak away (butt naked) and run down the halls (with a cookie in each hand). He did make a stop, just long enough to pee in the corner of the dressing room.  Fortunately, I caught up to him just as he was squatting to poop.  None of us could stop laughing (including Joey), but I was SO embarrassed!

Running around WITH diaper

After getting him in dry clothes, we headed downstairs only to discover the monsoon outside.  I decided NOT to wait for the rain to settle down (because I was already pretty wet).  Getting Joey in the car must have been a sight.  He thought the downpour was hilarious (and I couldn’t stop laughing at him laughing) so by the time I got him belted in, he was soaked and there was a bucket of water in the bottom of his stroller.

I was more wet than if I had just stepped out of the shower…






Joey was out cold by the time I pulled out of the lot.  I drove downtown with the heat blasting the entire way!

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1 Response to No words…

  1. Michele Burnett says:

    I miss those dressing rooms….good memories when Mom used to pay for our clothes.

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