By Friday afternoon, I was really down for the count so Bubbie and Zeyde offered to take Joey for dinner, which turned into a 24 hour visit. Joey made sure to wake up every hour, on the hour, to remind Bubbie and Zeyde of his presence.
Joey showing off his “crawling” skills (FYI- He isn’t really crawling and we’re not encouraging him to learn to crawl until we return from Puerto Rico. Can you imagine anything grosser than him crawling around on the dirty cruise ship floor? I can’t…)
While with Bubbie and Zeyde, Joey experienced his first puke and rally, at a bar nonetheless. Bubbie stuffed him with mac ‘n cheese and Zeyde tossed him up and down until it came back up.
Joey even got to check out the One-of-A-Kind Art show at the Mart.
Anyway, big “thank you” to Bubbie and Zeyde for taking him on…
I’m trying my hardest to keep away from Joey, as I’m still super-congested so we’re doing our best to entertain him with toys.
Can you say, “over-stimulated?”
Watching the Bear’s with Daddy