We had such a great time hanging out with Joey last night. Now that I’m back to work, we really try and take advantage of the time we do have together….
This past week has been rough, as Joey’s had to take meds for his ear infection. He’s always HATED taking his medicine. We used to be able to give it to him in a bottle, mixed with milk but not any longer! It’s been a 2-person job and we’ve learned to not change for the day until after we give it to him.
He’s gotten smarter over the past few days (or we have). Once we started applauding him for not crying, he decided it was way more fun than crying and spitting the meds out in my face.
What I’ve been waiting for for 15 months!
Joey loves showing us what he knows. Check out what he’s been up to lately…
He has also been talking a lot this week (not necessarily more, but we can understand more of what he’s saying). A few days ago, he put together his first 2-word sentence (“Bye-bye daddy”). It was adorable!
Other new words this week: