18 Month Checkup & 37 Week Appointment

I had my 37 week check up yesterday.  Everything is looking right on schedule and it doesn’t look like we’re having a baby any time soon!  I did a non-stress test to make sure the baby was still comfortable inside and he’s as happy as can be!  Dr. Sibul guesstimates he’s around 7lbs right now.






After spending the afternoon at the doctor, it was time to take Joey to his appointment.  We were not looking forward to the event, as Joey has HATED the doctors office since his 12 month visit.

We came armed with plenty of distractions this time (Thomas works wonders these days!)








The doctor was running a half hour behind so we kept ourselves occupied while we waited….







Check up time 🙁

Joey is growing (height and head circumference) right on schedule.  He still has a huge head (95%) and is hanging onto his tall stature (80% for now, at least).  He still hasn’t gained any weight (24lbs, 8 oz / 60%) since his 12 month appointment so he’s been ordered to continue drinking whole milk and eat plenty of “good fats”.  We’ll go back in 2 months for another weight check!






Joey recovered pretty quickly from the trauma of getting 3 shots.  So much so that we were able to go out and enjoy a nice dinner at Shine!

Eating edamame (one of his favorites!)






Happy Man






Drumming with the chopsticks!






I dont know what came over him, but he started blowing kisses to all of the waitresses in the restaurant….what a ladies man!  They gave him handfuls of fortune cookies for turning on the charm!

How fitting a fortune for me….

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