Enjoying maternity leave!

I’ve been taking care of business the last few days, running last minute errands and shopping for things we “need” for G2.  Lori, Sophie and I hit up an awesome children’s sample sale yesterday.  The only way up with a stroller was through the freight elevator.  I cant believe I actually got in it….








Its so much easier to justify my unnecessary purchases by remembering I’m not just shopping for G2, but for Baby Burnett as well.  Check out some of my favorite finds….















Joey is getting used to Hannukah and knows where we’ve stashed the gifts.  Right after Greg gets home from work, Joey stands by the bar waiting to unwrap something new.  Not a good habit!!

Opening presents!

Joey was not thrilled with what I made for dinner last night, so he ended up eating spoonfuls of peanut butter straight out of the jar (like father and grandfather, like son)….








Joey made this art project especially for Aunt “Meeshell,” who came to visit last night and play with Joey’s choo-choos.








I had my 39.5 week appt with Dr. Sibul.  Everything is progressing smoothly and my body is “ready” for labor.  We’ll just have to wait and see when G2 thinks its time as well.  If I don’t go into labor on my own, I’ll be induced on 12-20-12.  I think Dr. Sibul is still recovering from the size of Sophie.  He says G2 feels “heavy” and doesn’t want him getting to big.  I can’t believe G2 will be here in just one week!

This entry was posted in G2, Hannukah, Joey, Pregnancy, The Burnetts, The Panozzos. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Enjoying maternity leave!

  1. Valerie Goodman says:

    I can’t believe you are shopping for G2. Where are all of Joey’s clothes.
    I also can’t believe you will be walking around until 12/20. G2 is ready to pop out.
    Love, Aunt Val

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