Benjamin Eli Goodman

Our beautiful son, Benjamin Eli Goodman arrived at 2:10AM on 12-20-12, weighing 8lbs 12oz and measuring 21 inches tall.  Our little man decided he wanted to share his birthday with Great Bubbie GoGo!

The labor/delivery process was extremely smooth!  I was supposed to be induced this morning at 6:30AM, but Benji decided to come in on his own terms.  I went to see Dr. Sibul yesterday afternoon for a regular checkup and started having contractions 30 minutes after I left. Grandpa came over for dinner and to hang with Joey while we waited to see if it was the real deal.









Around 8PM, we decided it was true labor and headed out!

















6 hours later (and only 3 pushes), Benji arrived in tip top shape!

Check out the cord wrapped around his neck (it freaked me out but Dr. McGee quickly reassured us)









Benji has had a ton of visitors already today!  Grandpa, Nanny, Poppy, Bubbie, Zeyde, Abby, Cari, Michele, Lori, Ricky, Debrah & Great Aunt Val have all spent time getting to know him!

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His first 15 hours of life have been nothing but peaceful.  So far, he’s the calmest baby we’ve ever met…he barely wakes to eat!  Fingers crossed, he’ll keep it up 🙂

1st Day of Life

This entry was posted in Benji, Family, The Burnetts, The Goodmans, The Panozzos, The Silvermans, The Waxs, Uncle Dickie. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Benjamin Eli Goodman

  1. Valerie Goodman says:

    Loved all the pictures. He is so sweet and beautiful.

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