4 Month Developments:
He’s still the happiest baby we’ve ever met-he cracks up at just about anything!
He’s not a great napper, unless he’s in his crib
He’s becoming more and more vocal
He still MUST still be swaddled in order to sleep well at night (we tried giving it up a few weeks ago and it DID NOT go well)
He wakes up 1-2 times per night, but only eats once
He LOVES watching Joey play
His attention span is about 20 minutes (in bouncer or on play mat)
He still tries everything he can to lay his eyes on the television
He’s trying hard to sit up on his own but he’s not quite there
He hates getting in his carseat but doesn’t mind the car once its moving
He loves watching us eat…just another month or so until it’s his turn!
Joey wanted some time in the spotlight….