Grandma and Grandpa were in town for a quick visit this weekend! We got up and moving early Saturday morning so we could take full-advantage. Joey insisted on wearing sunglasses that were the same color as his shirt…
Off to Lincoln Park Zoo! Joey’s favorite exhibits were the monkeys and the seals.
Checking out the bears! We told Joey all about Grandma and Grandpa’s adventures in the wild. He’s looking forward to joining them on safari one day soon!
Picnic at Green City Market. This place was GREAT and I highly recommend it after a LPZ morning. FYI, it’s only open until 1PM.
On Saturday night, we had dinner at Siena Tavern. Grandma and Grandpa loved the food/wine and the boys were on their best behavior!
Joey loved dessert!
Grandpa stopped by for some kisses this afternoon. We decided to take a quick trip to Target to pick out a special “Grandpa present”
Joey making a thank-you card for grandpa
Such manners…
He’s still playing with his truck as I type!