Mother’s Day

Benji wasn’t feeling great on Mother’s Day.  He made it through brunch but went downhill fast before dinner.  Despite this, we still managed to have a great day!

Brunch with Nanny, Poppy and Debrah

Wonderful brunch







Very proud of the handprint stepping stone he made for Nanny












Checking out the view with Aunt Deb









Dinner to celebrate Bubbie, Bubbie GoGo and Grandma Pearl!







Chocolate Face









Aunt Cari took Joey to check out the golf course.  He came back sopping wet with broken pants….

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All fun and games until you have to drive back to the city naked and shivering!

Posted in Bubbie GoGo, Family, Holidays | Leave a comment

Cowboy Day!

I had too much fun dressing the boys in their western gear for a trip to the petting zoo…








Fortunately, they were happy participants!























Checking out the horses up close




































Running to the petting zoo…











































Time to clean our boots!








As close as he’s getting to bacon…

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Arizona 2014

We took our annual trip to visit Grandma and Grandpa last weekend!  The trip there was somewhat manageable.  We decided to try driving to the airport and parking, which ended up being super easy.  I went through security with the kids while Greg ditched the car.

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With plenty of time to spare, we headed to Chili’s for dinner.   Joey loved singing the “Chili’s Baby back Ribs” song to anyone who would listen.

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We set ourselves up nicely in the bulkhead…







Joey watched his iPad the entire time, while Benji ran up and down the isles and ate way too much junk food.

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With the kids being older, we were really able to enjoy the pool and all that AZ has to offer!  We arrived just in time for dinner and between courses, the kids took a dip!  Surprise, surprise, Benji jumped right in!















Joey needed a few minutes to get comfortable but loved the water once he got used to it!

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Look who got caught!

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Early the next morning, the Goodman Men enjoyed a bowl of cereal together…

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Off to the train museum.  Joey had a blast here last year and we knew he’d enjoy it even more this trip.

Family train ride



















We completely missed the best part of the park last year…There’s a train museum that Joey could have spent days in!







Chasing Percy

Benji loved chasing the trains on the track hanging from the ceiling.









Afternoon dip!


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The next day we checked out the Children’s Museum. The kids had a blast here!  With tons of car and climbing exhibits, the kids were thrilled!















Racing the cars








Up close and personal with a race car






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3-stories up in the climbing structure







Enjoying a hard earned hot dog!







The following day we checked out yet another museum.  This one had a toddler side and an arts-focused side.  The kids enjoyed both equally…

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Robot exhibit







Making a robot movie on the green screen

























Check out his handmade robot!

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Adult night out!

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The kids were not happy to be heading home.  Benji was a handful + on the plane ride home…

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Fortunately, Joey soon fell asleep…

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Not that it mattered much…

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Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for such a fabulous week!

Posted in Benji, Joey, The Goodmans, Vacation | 1 Comment

Vegas 2014

Greg and I were able to skip town for a few days to enjoy some alone time!  Greg was headed to Vegas for work the following week AND it was his birthday weekend so we made a vacation out of it.  It was SO nice to have a few days with to do nothing….

Trip began right, with an upgrade for both of us!

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The boys split their time between Nanny and Poppy’s and Bubbie and Zeyde’s…

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Bath time!

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Our favorite dinner was at Il Mulino….Service and food were both excellent.  Thanks for the rec, Grandma and Grandpa!

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Joey had his first sleep over at Aunt Cari’s….They went to Rainforest Cafe for dinner and enjoyed a movie outside.

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Joey did great, although Cari didn’t get much sleep!

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Checking out the Children’s Museum with Cousin Noah, Bubbie and Aunt Michy!

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Joey got stuck (once again) climbing through the jungle gym.  Fortunately, a little girl helped him down….

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Birthday dinner @ Joe’s!
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Thanks to everyone who chipped in to make our weekend away possible!!

Posted in Adults only!, Joey, Noah, The Silvermans, The Waxs | Leave a comment

Passover Play

I had a hard time taking photos at Passover this year, as Greg couldn’t be with us (he had his yearly company conference).

The only photos I took from Night #1

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Fortunately, Howard and Imy snapped a few….

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After a crazy #1, Breanna joined us for night #2 to make the evening more manageable!  It’s a good thing, because Benji was tired before seder even began!  He didn’t sit in his chair for even a moment…



Bubbie decided to have the kids put on a play each year to help explain the story of passover…

Joey was Moses and Benji was Pharaoh


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Bubbie’s hand-made burning bush!


Parting the sea


Taking a bow!


The Panozzomans!



Posted in Benji, Great Grandma Pearl, Great Grandpa Silverman, Holidays, Joey, Noah, Sophie, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Afikomen practice in the park

We stumbled upon an egg hunt in the park last week and Joey was so excited to participate.  We told him it would be good practice for the afikomen search later in the week!

Waiting patiently (not really) for it to begin!


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Posted in Benji, Joey, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Trip to the Zoo!

Nanny and Poppy came to see the kids this past weekend.  First on the list was a visit to the park!

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Benji was returned home and Joey’s adventure continued.  Off the the zoo they went!

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Saying goodbye to the zoo!
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Joey came home raving about the giraffes and popcorn.

Posted in Benji, Joey, The Waxs | Leave a comment

Night out with AA & AC

Abby and Cari asked if they could take Joey to Scoozi one last time before they closed.  Last minute, we convinced them to take Benji too!

They had so much fun making their pizzas and eating the toppings as they created their masterpieces!

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After dinner, the boys convinced their aunts to take them for ice cream.  The video says it all…

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We stripped them down at the bottom of the stairs and threw them right in the tub!

Posted in Abby, Benji, Cari, Joey | Leave a comment

Joey’s School Seder

Joey attended his first school seder today.













Loving the grape juice…

Bubbie and I joined him and we had a blast!









Joey would not cooperate for a photo but we snapped away anyway…


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Posted in Joey, The Silvermans | Leave a comment

Disney Day

Michele picked Joey up from school today because I was at a work meeting.  Little did we know, she had planned a special afternoon for Joey and Noah.  They first stopped for lunch…

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…and off to the Disney store they went!

We had no idea they made such a big deal for a “first timer”

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Aunt Michy said Joey was more interested in checking out the Cars than watching the show…

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Posted in Firsts, Joey, Noah, The Burnetts | Leave a comment

Pizza in the Park

It was beautiful outside and we had to take advantage.  Greg was working late preparing for his weekly summit so it was just me and the boys….

There was a pizza fundraiser at Benji’s music school so we picked one up and headed to the park!  While the pizza cooled, we checked out the dozens of dogs playing in their park.

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We set up camp inside the playground so we wouldn’t have to fight off the dogs out on their walk…

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After pizza, we burned some energy on the playground.  Joey LOVES this playground (and refers to it as “my playground,”) as there is way more to do than at “Noah’s playground”.

On the way home, Joey talked me into checking out the new ice cream parlor just a few blocks from our house.  Since I was outnumbered, I figured milkshakes would be easier to manage than cups of ice cream.  Two seconds after these photos were taken, both milkshakes spilled all over the floor…

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Instead of a replacement shake, I talked Joey into a cookie…

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They were exhausted and falling asleep before we even made it home…

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Spring is Here!

We woke up to spring-like weather and had to get outside, despite some runny noses.







It’s so fun to see Joey becoming more adventurous on the playground, playing with the other kids and sliding down the slides independently.










Exploring the park


Snack time
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We weren’t quite ready to get home after the park so we kept on walking.  We stopped somewhere for lunch and got home in time for naps.


Posted in Benji, Joey | 1 Comment

Business trip to Asheville

I was out of town for the majority of the week on business.  Nanny and Poppy had the kids for a few nights, as did Bubbie and Zeyde.  Although Greg and I missed the kids, we each enjoyed some quiet time!

Checking out the Deerfield Library

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Time for the park!

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Clean up!

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Zeyde trying out the new jungle gym


Rough house with Benji

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Movie night!

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Posted in Benji, Joey, The Silvermans, The Waxs | 1 Comment

Let them Eat Cake

Aunt Michy brought the boys animal cakes a few weeks back…

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In true Benji form, he finished the cake in a matter of minutes…Joey barely made a dent!

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Burning off some energy in the park!




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Posted in Benji, Joey, Noah | Leave a comment

Adult night out!

We all had a rare moment sans kids this weekend and managed to grab dinner!  We went to a great italian restaurant, Ricardo Trattoria.  One of the best meals we’ve had in a while!

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